
Community Site for Langtree Parish, North Devon

Parish Council Minutes

Parish Councillors Minutes


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Minutes November 2017-161

2017-12-20 07:43:07

Minutes Langtree Parish Council meeting

9th November 2017


Members present Cllr Attridge [Chairman], Bond, Ley, French, Mitchell, Tucker, Edworthy and Cllrs Hurley [TDC]

and Saywell [DCC]


Apologies Cllrs Glover & Coles.


Minutes of previous meeting Agreed nem con


Matters arising Nil


Police No input this month


DCC Cllr Saywell told LPC of progress with ATMs for Torrington centre at Duffy’s Hardware and South Street car park,

where there are a few teething problems. New load bay signage has been installed in the centre. He did state that Child care

services and Social workers needed greater funding than such works and naturally took priority but progress is being made.


TDC Cllr Hurly reported on a meeting that with Rachel Webdale of TDC, in conjunction with Cllr Attridge and Mrs Sue Lee

concerning the Langtree meadows development. Application has been made to vary the current S106 agreement to allow five

market value houses to be occupied before triggering the remainder of the 106 agreement. There is now a new management

team in situ who have expressed an apparently sincere desire to get this project completed without further delays. Cllr Bond

raised his serious misgivings about altering the S106 yet again a view shared by the other Councillors. It was thought that any

change should not go through “on the nod” by planners as LPC is a participant signatory in this crucial agreement. The

problem of adopting the affordable housing was also raised and it is possible they will be offered for direct sale but at

affordable prices. A sum mentioned in conversation, but not a definite policy, was around the £90,000 mark per unit.

The permission for the caravan at Berry Cross has been refused.


Finance Current balance is £3899. It was agreed that with the requirement for future outgoings concerning the recreational

facility that the precept demand for 2018 be increased to £7000. The quote from Mr Baker for 2018 grass cutting, at £820, was

accepted. The Clerk reiterated the need to find a new accountant for our internal audit. The Chairman will check with the

Parish Hall accountant and two other suggestions were made, to be investigated. Giffords in Monkleigh and Marke’s in



Planning No applications this month. It is noted that ownership of the recreation field is registered with land Registry under

“Part of DN634856 [internal ref 1CA6C86. As noted under TDC input, the Berry Cross caravan application has been refused.


Correspondence As noted under finance a quote for £820 from Mr Baker for grass cutting has been approved.


Items at Chairman’s discretion The Clerk told Council that there had been two responses to the advert for the soon to be

vacant post of Parish Clerk, Mr Leigh Pollinger and Ms Jessica Parker. Mr Pollinger had conformed to the advertised method

of application, and was present.

Ms Parker had only verbally applied the afternoon of this meeting, outside of the posted deadline for applications. She had

been invited to attend the meeting for interview but had not appeared. Mr Pollinger was known to most of the Council and was

offered the post of Parish Clerk w.e.f. 1st January 2018, which he accepted.

Cllr Tucker asked if there was some sort of incentive that could be offered as regards the completion of the Langtree Meadows

development. It was felt enough had been offered over time. Cllr French mentioned the concrete pad at the rear of 15 Fore St.

It was explained that a letter had been sent to the owner, initially requiring its removal, but consensus was that as it was a base

for a fire escape, it could possibly be accepted. The Chairman stated that there would be an “Open session” public consultation

between 2 pm and 4 pm on 26th November at the Parish Hall.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.45 p.m.

Subsequent note. The chairman notified that a Mr D’Alberti, currently the accountant for the Parish Hall, has been contacted

regarding taking on the LPC accounts . The Clerk has spoken with him by telephone [ 01805 622564 ], and he happy to accept

the work. It was explained that the new clerk would be in touch in the early New Year.



AGENDA 14TH December 2017

Members Present Cllrs Attridge, Bond, Coles, Edworthy, French, Glover, Mitchell & Tucker, Cllr Hurley TDC

Apolgies Cllrs Attridge, Bond, Coles, Edworthy, French, Glover, Mitchell & Tucker, Cllr Hurley TDC

Minutes of last meeting

Matters arising




